Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiments initiativtagare, grundare och första VD Klas Fresk, drev idén om att göra naturvetenskap roligt för både barn och vuxna genom att visa enkla och fantasieggande experiment.
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Skokloster Castle
About the Skokloster Castle
Skokloster Castle, built in the baroque style between 1654 and 1676, is one of the mayor monuments from the period when Sweden was one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
Since the owner, General Carl Gustaf Wrangel, died in 1676 the castle was never really completed. This is a fact that you can see by your self – just visit the banqueting hall which remains in the exakt same conditions, tools included, as the builders left it the same day as Wrangel died (the builders were afraid they that they would never get paid).
Also the rest of the castle has remained amazingly untouched for more than 300 years, giving this building a unique authenticity. Wrangel and the following owners collected items like armoury, books, silver and textiles, as well some artifacts from south america. Everything is left intact since late 1700th century.
Skokloster is considered one of the great castles of Baroque Europe.
Skokloster at
Museum details
Close to Sigtuna and Arlanda. See map below.
Getting there
Train to Bålsta, change to
Bus 894. Boat from Uppsala
Contact details
Tel: (+46) (0)18 386077